.:back home:.I'm back in Portugal. I've been doing a million things at the same time, so it's hard to post news lately... I guess that I was also trying to avoid it: because this is the end of this blog. It accomplished its purposes working, at the same time, as small report of my experience in Wroclaw, and helping me sharing this experience with family and friends. Since I'm back home, there's no point in making new posts. Anyway, I'll leave it online, for as long as the blogger server allows it to be.
I never had a blog before, but the thing is that after this experience I'm addicted. I'm planning on creating a new one, with no special theme, just a place where I can "lay" some of my photos & some stories. It's still being "projected", but as soon as it's online, I'll leave the address here, so remember to check in for the new blog address.
To everyone that kept coming here to check on my adventures abroad, I wish to thank you, because you gave me the will to keep on updating the blog. Everyone in Wroclaw, you made my year! You all make Wroclaw a greater place to live, and are the living color of the city. It's so damn easy to fall in love with this city... It will always be a special place for me. A place where I already felt like home (when returning from some big trips). A place where I dreamed of Wroclaw instead of my home town, having in mind what Joren taught me.
Hope to be back soon. Take care!
Lets just say Narazie...