Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Anthropology Class

Skull drawings by me ( they will be on e-bay shortly...)

After spending almost the all summer digging full skeletons, I thought I had some ideas about the human bones... Well, here in Wroclaw I applied for the subject of Archaeological Anthropology, and I can tell you that the professor was talking for almost two hours only about the human skull (ah... & in polish...). Jesus... They have names for every small lump we have on the freakin' skull! So, to entertain myself, and also(!) to learn something I drew some of the "Normas" (as the professor called them...) of the skulls. In the end I was quite happy about my drawings (enc the post...) and I understood I little bit more of bones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Inveja.. de um estudante de arqueologia em Portugal... Ai.. aqui o curso é tão mauzinho.. enfim...