Saturday, November 25, 2006


Even being a young man, longing to meet a new world, its places & its cultures, after a couple of months away from home, I cant avoid missing it. The new technologies might help us, allowing us to minimize this feeling. On a regular basis, I call home, just to check up how everyone is going there. And, maybe once every two weeks, we make a net meeting with a web-cam. Things look pretty much the same there...

Man!!! Me being away is really regretted by all back home... Can't you tell?
*Saudade (Portuguese word)
feminine noun

1. longing;
2. yearning;
3. nostalgia, homesickness;
4. deixou muitas saudades a todos - his going away was regretted by all, everybody misses him;
-lhe saudades minhas</EM> - remember me to him;
matar saudades - to cheer oneself by the sight of someone or something one longs for;
tenho muitas saudades dele</EM> - I long to see him, I miss him very much;
ter saudades da sua terra (da pátria) - to be homesick;


enfezado said...

hmm... What a nice blog... what a nice idea but I bet your experience abroad is being great also because you have very good company ;)Finally you decided to present everyone with your talent, please don't stop taking pictures, there's so much to show and you are the perfect person to do that!Luv ya!

the girl in the other room said...

glad 2 know you're ok:)


Gustavo Santos said...

Realmente estas tecnologias de hoje em dia... =) e bom que registes tudo pa dps teres mto que contar quando voltares =P

Anonymous said...

Pois é pá...
Nunca pensei..
da armona para a Polónia vai um longo caminhoe com certeza que não foi pela A1.
Deu para ver pela foto do msn que a tua sobrinha não tarda mt tá maior que tu.
Já sabes que quando vieres da "estranja" tens que dizer qq coisa, Fico à espera